Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Counting Down The Days

I officially have 13 days until I leave for Asia. I feel like I am running out of time! Now I do have most of my schedule set, however I am missing one very important thing, my Chinese visa!

I will be travelling to Southeast Asia this fall for Northeastern University. As an Assistant Director for Undergraduate Admissions I get the awesome job of travelling around the world to recruit students to Boston, Massachusetts. This fall I will be visiting: Seoul, South Korea; Shanghai, China; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Bangkok, Thailand; Guangzhou, China; Shenzhen, China; Hong Kong; Singapore; Taipei, Taiwan; and Tokyo, Japan. All within a 6 week span, and if this is not enough I will also be travelling to the Carribbean to visit High Schools in Trinidad & Tobago, the Dominican Republic and The Bahamas.

This is my first time blogging but I'm hoping to be able to share with everyone my experiences from September 9th until November 3rd...Enjoy.

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