Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hong Kong

Before I talk about Hong Kong, I want to mention one thing quickly. I believe that Singapore is one of the only countries in the world where you can hail a mercedes taxi. I thought this was cool because the cost for these taxis were almost the same as other taxis and where else can you ride like this unless you are in a "limo"!

Hong Kong has been exciting. With Ronne and Erica in attendance, when we arrived on Saturday I took them on the Star Ferry across to Tsim Sha Tsui to see the light show which is a really cool show with laser and lights lighting up the Hong Kong skyline:

Afterward we returned to Central to a restaurant that was recommended and we enjoyed a lot of really good Cantonese food! For the past few days I had been trying to get Erica to agree to go out to Lan Kwai Fong, but when we finally got to Hong Kong, I was the one too tired to go out!

On Sunday morning Erica and I were able to meet with a young NU alum that has just moved to Hong Kong. We enjoyed lunch up on The Peak which was great but unfortunately there was heavy cloud cover so for a while we couldn't see the city. The Peak is known for its wonderful views over Victoria Harbor but every time I have been up there its been too foggy to see anything! This is supposed to be the view:

Our reception in the evening went really well with lots of alumni and students in attendance, unfortunately from all the visits and talking, I had no voice left for the reception, but it didn't stop me from welcoming in all the admitted students!

On Monday morning it was time to say goodbye to Ronne and Erica who I had been traveling with since Singapore. Ronne was off to Beijing and Erica back to Boston. It was a lot of fun traveling with other people as usual. Over the past couple of days I have stayed in Hong Kong visiting schools and it has been absolutely beautiful weather...for me. Its been overcast and about 75 every day which is the perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold!

I'm off to China tomorrow which means this will be the last blog for the spring. Unfortunately China has blocked blogging so I won't be able to post. Its been a short but fun trip and I'll be returning home in about 10 days!

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